Phone System Buyers Guide

At we believe that the right phone system can allow a business thrive. If you are really not sure where to begin, this is the place, we have all the answers right here.

General Phone System Buyers Guide:

Which phone system is best for your business, what do you need from your phone system and why is it important for your business? We have all the answers so, just read on.

Which Phone System Do I Need?

There are so many brands to choose from when it comes to finding a new phone system for your business, that it can be overwhelming. That’s why we are here, to do the hard work for you.

Here are the main types of phone systems you should consider:


IP PBX: allows VOIP/Hosted calls to be transferred with ease and switched between voip users and traditional phone users , reducing overall maintenance costs and creating a better user experience.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is one of the most modern forms of phone systems available on the market today. The key difference to note is that phone calls can be made via the internet, as opposed to through a landline or mobile network.

It is also important to note the benefits, which include a cheaper price per call (sometimes no cost at all) and set up as well as being able to conduct business calls to anywhere in the world without breaking the bank.

VoIP systems have become very popular in the last few years, especially with remote working on the increase. It offers flexibility in the way it can be used, either through a landline with an adaptor, through a computer or via a smartphone.

Read our full article on VoIP systems here.

Hosted: A hosted system refers to a phone system that has everything stored in the cloud, VoIP’s are a type of hosted system or cloud-based system. This means that you don’t need a box in your office that stores things like; data, programming, and features. The flexibility offered through the cloud system means that you need to have a strong internet connection through the NBN for optimal function and results. Now that more and more businesses have access to high-speed internet like the NBN, Hosted systems have risen significantly in popularity. With the ability to add on extra handsets easily, store unlimited data and features in the cloud and connect from anywhere, hosted systems are the future.

Another important feature to note is IP PBX, which allows VOIP/Hosted calls to be transferred with ease and switched between VoIP users and traditional phone users, reducing overall maintenance costs and creating a better user experience.

To Change Or To Stay?

If you already have an existing phone system it can be tempting to just keep the traditional system and avoid making changes. The risks of this can mean the success of your business as a whole. Move into the 21st century with a new and improved hosted system that will take your business to the next level, reduce costs and more. For those who just need new handsets and are happy with the functioning of their system, we also have your needs covered.

The phone system you choose should allow you to streamline the operations within your business and facilitate growth through improved customer service, make employee phone system use easier and more.

Phone System Benefits & Needs Analysis:

Your business phone system is there to allow daily phone calls and operations to occur with ease and calls should be quality in nature. Hosted phone systems allow you to do business from anywhere, make phone calls with ease and also connect new handsets without expensive installation costs and maintenance. If you are trying to modernise your business and keep up with the constant changes in daily functions, having a hosted system can assist with that. The most important element to consider is the kind of internet connection that you have available to you.

Ensuring you have a successful phone system as part of your business shouldn’t be difficult. Let your new phone system lessen the load on your employees as they make calls with ease, from remote locations.

Your Business, Your Needs:

Different businesses need different things from their phone systems. A new phone system has to meet the specific needs of your business. For this reason there isn’t really a one size fits all. Make a list of everything you hope to achieve from obtaining a new phone system, whether this be a completely new set up, hosted, VoIP, or just some new handsets. It is important to outline your goals, what you have available in your workplace and where you want to be in the future.

Increase Employee Efficiency:

The right phone system for your business will allow you to increase the efficiency of your employees, whether that be in sales, customer service or internal operations.

A hosted system can assist with remote working opportunities and increase the volume of calls that are able to be taken, without interruption, maintenance or drop-outs. Having a reliable phone system that can handle large volumes of calls through a broadband network is ideal for growing businesses and advancing employee productivity.

How your business is perceived, as a whole, is often from the very first phone call they have with your business. Ensuring this is of the highest quality with clear audio and zero interruptions is key.

Now to the question “what are the main features of a modern phone system?”. We’ll get into that with the top phone system features breakdown below.

Top Phone System Features:

Quick transfers ensure that your business runs smoothly, customers and clients are never left waiting and the changes of disconnect are minimal.

Cordless compatibility allows your employees to use the phone they are most comfortable with, rather than using a traditional handset. That being said, you won’t have all the usual features that your handset offers but you can still make calls and take calls from your cordless phone when needed. Great for home office setup and small businesses.

After hours message taking: Keep the customers happy with a system that takes messages for you 24/7, meaning you will never miss an inquiry again. Set up your greeting and ensure your business can handle the calls all day, every day.

Auto Greetings and phone call queues: Sometimes, when business is flowing fast, you need to ensure the person calling goes straight to the department they require, this is where automated attendants come in, asking a series of simple questions in order to get the customer to the correct person. E.g press 1 if you want finance. These phone systems also offer queue music for when the lines are busy and updates on their place in the queue.

Remote working friendly (conference calling etc): Give your employees the change to stay safe and work from home with flexibility. The best part is that modern phone systems allow group calls, conference calls and video chat all through Wifi, meaning minimal setup and ease of access to all.

Budget aware – low-cost calling: When your calls are going through broadband rather than the landline, you are only paying for your internet bill, rather than per call. This means calls can be to anyone, anywhere for any length of time without a massive bill at the end of the month. Allow your employees to conduct their calls without stress and provide better experiences for customers.

What is needed for setup?

Each business will have its own needs, but the basic requirements for any hosted phone system are 1. The phones themselves and 2. A strong internet connection like NBN.

Hardware includes the handsets themselves and any additional accessories like headsets that you may require.

Software is all in the cloud, meaning it’s easily programmable and able to change with the click of a few buttons, no need for large PBX boxes on site anymore.

The Wrap Up:

Investing in a new phone system is an important step for any business, new or established. Consider the points above and ensure you take a look at all your available options so you can choose the appropriate system for your business size, style and function.

Choosing a phone system does not need to be hard, but it is something that does need to be done, stop procrastinating and find out how a hosted phone system could benefit your business today.

Business Phone Systems