Choosing Your Phone System

Taking the next step in getting your business communication system set up or up to date is knowing the areas you need to consider to help you choose the right option for your business.

As a business owner, we know you don’t have the time to do this research yourself, so we have done it for you. In this guide, we will take you through all of the relevant questions and considerations you might have with regards to a new phone system that will help you make your final decision.

Why Do You Need A Phone System?

Every business needs a way to communicate with their customer, clients and also with each other. To do this in an effective and secure way, a business phone system is the best way to ensure all clients, customers and staff can communicate effectively and in a timely manner. If you are a new business and still deciding whether or not you need a phone system, consider the following points below. If you are an already established business, you are probably considering an upgrade. We have everything you need to know in our buyer’s guide here.

What Do You Need?

If your business is large with many offices, staff and departments here are some key areas to consider:

  • What kind of business do you have? 
  • What tasks are included as part of your business running daily?
  • What areas of focus do you have?
  • What are your goals as a business?

Once you narrow down your key points you will be able to compare phone systems better and find the one that will suit your business best. 

If you are a small business with 10 or fewer employees here are some additional questions you need to ask:

  • What am I hoping to achieve for my business in the next 5 years?
  • Is there the potential for exponential growth?
  • Is setting yourself up for good foundations something you want?

By taking these points into consideration you will be able to choose a phone system that will grow as your business grows and not hold you back.

Ready For The Future: Cloud-Based Vs. Locally Installed

Cloud-based phone systems mean no heavy lifting, so to speak, you can be ready to go quite quickly with minimal setup time and effort. Having your system in the cloud is a great way to ensure that customer data and business data is not lost and stays secure. Traditional phone systems can take time to install with individual phone lines racking up the budget, as well as installation and regular maintenance costs. Hosted or Cloud phone systems are much simpler, all you need is a quality internet connection. 

Key Features

  • On hold and queue music
  • Conference calling
  • Call transfer
  • Auto intelligence answering
  • Mobile twinning
  • Call recording

The Wrap Up

Before making any final decisions, it is important to read through our guide, ask any questions that you have and get your free quotes from 

Unlock the potential of your business with a new phone system that might just take you to a whole new level of success. This could quite literally be the beginning of the best relationship you have ever had (with a piece of technology).

Business Phone Systems