Security First: Are Hosted Phone Systems Safe?

When it comes to making sure your company and client data is secure it is important to understand the risks and benefits of upgrading to a new phone system. In this article we will be focusing on hosted or VoIP phone systems and their security measures. 

Up In The Cloud:

Will your data be secure in the cloud? The short answer is yes! Even more so than your traditional phone system that makes it easy for attackers to access data on the premises as it is all stored in one place. If this occurs you are at risk of having your phone system damaged or ruined and all company/client data lost forever.

The cloud can help reduce these risks by ensuring all data is secure and safe off-premises, making it more difficult for attackers to access as it is all stored remotely. All data is encrypted in the cloud which like another layer of security, think of it as a double-locked door. For an even more secure phone system, look for providers that store data in different geographical locations. This is ideal for companies that deal with sensitive information and record conversations.

Are Hosted Phone Systems More Vulnerable To Security Breaches?

Hosted phone systems and traditional phone systems have the same level of risk and vulnerability when it comes to security breaches. The main difference is that hosted phone systems are considered safer due to their cloud storage, off-site data and encryption which makes life hard for attackers.

Does The Cloud Provide Extra Security?

Cloud-hosted phone systems have new and advanced security measures that allow you and your business to feel protected with this extra layer of safety. More traditional phone systems cannot offer the same sense of security due to their one spot storage in the office. Another great point to note is that should something go wrong and data is lost you can find it by accessing the backup in the cloud, meaning you don’t have to stress if you accidentally delete a copy.

Any reliable VoIP provider will offer security from threats so your client data is safe from any attacks, this will also ensure that your clients or customers feel safe and trust you with their information.

Stay Secure:

There are a few key ways that you can ensure your hosted phone system is as safe and secure as possible.

  1. Control caller ID – Make calls without the receiver knowing who is calling, this helps to avoid people calling you back without a real reason to (e.g scammers, sales calls etc.) Anyone who needs to get in touch should call your number listed on your website and go through the proper process.
  2. Screening: This can help prevent scams and other risky calls coming through to your business. Protect your staff from being fooled and protect your business details from being put into the wrong hands.

The Wrap Up

Even though the likelihood of an attack on your phone system data is minimal, you should always be prepared for the worst in order to have good safety and security measures in place. Should you come under attack, a hosted PBX provider will be able to assist you and ensure your data stays secure in the cloud without concern. Stay up to date with the latest security measure, do regular updates and always back up your data!

Business Phone Systems